Friday, June 13, 2008

Fort Hill Area

It is one of the more magical places on the Cape. Every time I go, I am treated to a new nature treat. Today was the baby bunny less than 12 of them were scattered around the area in the middle of the walking paths. I was able to sit next to one and just watch it eat it's grass. It watched me right back. The day was glorious... sunny but cool. No need for A/C, windows open and fresh air abounds. The sun sparkled and danced on the sea. The salt marshes had that quintessential Cape Cod scent. Sunshine, salt and sea air...and sand dunes, of course! I was able to capture some wonderful birds on film. The cardinals, red-winged black birds, goldfinches, and warblers were most cooperative for me. I even got a shot of monarchs mating. It was an amazing day.

The best part about this area is that you walk along a field of wildflowers. A heavenly meadow of peace and joy. Birds and bunnies frolicking. Then, you enter a wooded area, filled with red cedar, maple and scrub pine. The scent is divine. Then, at the end of the wooded path is an Indian rock, where Native Americans long ago sharpened bone, shell and rock into tools. A little longer in the woods and you're thrust out into breath taking views of salt marshes in the near distance and the Atlantic Ocean in the far distance. Salt marshes and breakers all in the same view. No where else on earth have I encountered this majesty and magic. I can tell you this...I don't want to leave all of this behind again. A twinge of sorrow hit my heart as I left. It was like leaving part of my soul behind. I have to come back here several more times before we leave.

I need to get into Nickerson State Park next, to see the ladyslippers, as it is their time of year... and I know just where to find them. Tomorrow, I'll be in Centerville/Hyannis area with my friend Martha. Vincent will be parked in front of the TV as we venture out to some of my favorite things... Christmas Tree Shops, Yankee Candle, the beach. I need to find a horseshoe crab and get a video of me letting one crawl on my face. My students don't believe me when I tell them I do that. I need PROOF. Enjoy the Fort Hill Area slide show... I took 300 photos... I picked out 60 for your viewing pleasure. Until tomorrow everyone! I love you!


Anonymous said...

I hope you two are havin the time of your lives!!! Rudy looks like he is havin a grand old time. I wish you both save travels here from good old borin N.P. MK

Anonymous said...

Hello people. This is cool. The pics of CC are beautiful and it looks like you are having a great time.

How does the website blog work? Where do you do to create/start it?


The Dennen Family

My photo
North Port, Florida, United States
We are Vince, Cheri, Linus-Rudolph (or Rudy for short) and Misty (Rudy’s brother) We love traveling across the USA and meeting all kinds of great people, seeing new places, having grand adventures, and creating fond memories in our class A motorhome!

Vincent & Cheri

Vincent & Cheri