Thursday, June 12, 2008

Beauty, Ticks and Long Rides...

Today was a mixed bag for me. It was perfect for Vincent. We woke up this morning and wished each other a "happy homecoming day". Vincent's home golf course, Torrey Pines is featured in the US Open golf tournament... and he was excited to see all the parts of the course he had once played on a team. He was in his glory all day. Rudy was all set with the door being open... visiting with his chipmunks, chickadees, nuthatches, titmice and squirrels. (He's now passed out in "The loft")So, I took the opportunity to go out on my own. I drove down to Sandwich where I got to go to a favorite shop of mine. I stopped on the way back to take some photos of a salt marsh and unknowingly picked up an uninvited "guest" I felt a little something tickling the back of my leg just above my knee...and reached back there as I was driving to find (to my absolute horror) I had a tick crawling on me. I picked it up with my fingers and flung it onto my passenger side floor mat and looked for a good place to pull over and get rid of the little bugger. I found the spot to pull off the road and picked up the mat and inspected it. Nothing. Drat. This meant I had to continue on with it in the car with me. A few moments of driving and out of the corner of my eye, I see it, crawling on the floor mat. I once again found a spot and pulled off the road. THIS TIME I GOT IT and flicked it off the mat into the Cape Cod road side. VICTORY!

As I entered Yarmouth, I came upon the place that little Cheri embarrassed her whole family by tipping over her high chair... the Yarmouth Inn.... expensive, elegant and fun to tip a high chair over in! Across the street from that happy memory is the BEST book store in the world. Filled with old books and hidden treasures, the Parnassus Book Seller. I could live in there and be so content. I stopped in and bought some books for some of the people who might be reading this... so I won't say what.

Continuing on, I had to make my way to Patriot Square to Stop and Shop and the Radio Shack there. Vincent wants to set up the satellite dish and our DVR and we needed a new cord to use with the cable provided by the park. Yes, people. We are SO roughing it here. DVR, Cable, 500 count cotton sheets, 4 Seas Ice Cream... it's rough, but someone's gotta vacation!

After my mundane side trip, I ended up at the Herring Run... I've enclosed a few videos and photos of the run. The bird there, by the way, is a herring GULL. How very appropriate for him to show up! It's a beautiful little slice of Brewster I like to call heaven. I've spent many an hour sitting there, painting it, photographing it, and just being with it all. Have I said how much I adore the Cape? Not yet today? I ADORE IT HERE! I may just escape into the woods with a supply of granola bars and water and a few blankets, not to be heard from again... then again...I'd miss my husband, parents and cat way too much. One day... let's all live here again? Please?

Well, enjoy the pictures and videos... I'm gearing up for tomorrow's adventures! See you then!

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The Dennen Family

My photo
North Port, Florida, United States
We are Vince, Cheri, Linus-Rudolph (or Rudy for short) and Misty (Rudy’s brother) We love traveling across the USA and meeting all kinds of great people, seeing new places, having grand adventures, and creating fond memories in our class A motorhome!

Vincent & Cheri

Vincent & Cheri