Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ahhhhh...vacation! It's so much fun?

Well, it started out with a joyful feeling...the packing, the loading up...the pulling out.... all the anticipation of a trip filled with wondrous sights and sounds and experiences... Our first stop, Lake City to visit our dear friend Jen Wood and her family, the Healys. They have beautiful land there and the hospitality was five star, A+, amazing (and that was no surprise!) Then IT happened...the RV electrical systems went kaflooey. (That is technical RV speak). SO...tomorrow morning, we have a guy coming to see us and hopefully diagnose the problem...because it's kind of a drag when you have to choose between having A/C or refrigeration and lights in only half the RV. Grr... Hopefully we can get this figured out NOW and enjoy the remainder of the trip. In the mean time...I'm going to put up some pictures of the glorious HealyWood... (We looked for movie stars...I think I spotted a few in the blackberry patch.) Dinner tonight was a home smoked pork shoulder, salad and potato salad and for dessert a homemade black berry cobbler...Man...was it all so YUMMY! The Healy family are so gracious and sweet, and the Wood family is so much fun. After repairs and visiting tomorrow...we move on to St. George Island. Looking forward to 10 days on white sugar beaches.

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The Dennen Family

My photo
North Port, Florida, United States
We are Vince, Cheri, Linus-Rudolph (or Rudy for short) and Misty (Rudy’s brother) We love traveling across the USA and meeting all kinds of great people, seeing new places, having grand adventures, and creating fond memories in our class A motorhome!

Vincent & Cheri

Vincent & Cheri