Friday, July 1, 2011

We Made It To The Big Easy!

We had a lovely 5 hour drive (!) from Topsail Hill Preserve State Park in Florida to New Orleans, LA. We passed through Alabama and Mississippi. EVERY river and body of water we went over was greeted with "OH, LOOK HONEY! The MIGHTY MISSISSIP!" We never did actually go over the "Mighty Mississip"! We did go over Lake Pontchartrain. Now I know why a levee breaking on that puppy would be a BAD, BAD thing. After exiting I-10...there was a long and winding exit that looked and felt for all the world like a roller coaster. On the way down... Vincent said "Put your hands in the air and scream!" so I did. When we got to the bottom... we saw this:

That caused us to laugh! I suppose the thought occurred enough to someone else to actually BUILD ONE~! We rode through a long area of "depressed" industrial section wondering what the heck we might find for a "State Park"...but when we pulled into St. Bernard State Park, we were pleasantly surprised. We were greeted by this quaint ranger house:

Soon after, we set up our home away from home, complete with happy camper sign, blue rope lights and a bird feeder for the cat's entertainment. We had a peaceful, sweet first day big city trip yet... just a day to fix things up and rest. Tomorrow we shall paint the town red...or maybe fuchsia or puce. Who knows. We ARE on vacation, after all!

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The Dennen Family

My photo
North Port, Florida, United States
We are Vince, Cheri, Linus-Rudolph (or Rudy for short) and Misty (Rudy’s brother) We love traveling across the USA and meeting all kinds of great people, seeing new places, having grand adventures, and creating fond memories in our class A motorhome!

Vincent & Cheri

Vincent & Cheri