Sunday, June 1, 2008

We Made It!

Well, here we are in Orlando (Apopka, really). We had a WONDERFUL time with our nephews... it was so nice spending time doing something fun with them... and Blue Man Group is definitely something fun! I got to decorate the graduate with crepe paper... Made a stunning turban atop his educated brain. The young lady who sat us, came over and dowsed Chris and Jeff with enough paper to hang streamers at 5 birthday parties! Very cool. I ended up wearing most if it by night's end. The music, the paper, the instruments, it all amused and amazed.

[If you've never been to a Blue Man show, go. If you're a Florida teacher, it's only 25 bucks right now, until June 28th... no excuses. If you know a Florida teacher, grab them and go, they can get up to 4 tickets at that price!]

Afterwards, we went to a Coldstone Creamery and had a lovely dish of "mix in" ice cream. If you've never experienced mix in ice cream, you HAVE to... it's delightful. You can have your favorite flavor, mixed with your favorite yummies... right there on a slab of cold marble... fun to watch, exquisite to eat.

From there, on to my brother and sister in law's house (Chris and Jeff's home) for grad presents. I'm not sure, but I think my nephew made more money in one night than I make in a year, playing with high school students. He's worth it! Great young man with a great sense of humor. He never fails to make people laugh. He's going to be famous one day. He's as animated and fun as Jim Carey and Robin Williams all rolled in one. I wouldn't be surprised if he fell into acting in college and then got big movie deals. At the very least, his sunny, funny personality will open doors for him where ever he goes. I remember 3 years ago when we were celebrating the same event for my other nephew, Jeff. I brag about Jeff when ever I can. I love dropping the line: Oh, yes... my nephew is attending PRINCETON. He's going to be an engineer. He'll probably save the world, too. When the festivities were over, (all the cards were opened) we left. Too short a visit, but we have places to travel to.

We returned to the campsite to quite the bru-ha-ha. The car ahead of us went through the security gate without a pass or permission. They had to chase him down with a heavy flashlight and force him to stop. An exorbitantly belligerent young man jumped out of the car and started swearing and screaming and acting extremely unpleasant and stupid. Obviously drunk and angry. Obviously a dink, a putz and jerk. We pulled around him, made our way to our site and settled in for a nice long nap.

We were awakened by our adorable little fluffball at 5 am, nuzzling at our ears, making paws on my neck and attempting to lick the blinds to death. I don't know what they coat the blinds with, but it's better than catnip... either that or he KNOWS that it bugs me to tears when he does that, and it forces me to put up the blinds so he can't reach them, which allows the sunlight in, awaking us from our slumber and forcing us up and out into the kitchen to make the adorable fluff ball his breakfast. This is of the utmost importance, because, after all, his majesty's nap time comes up rather quickly after the sun does, and you don't want to interfere with nap time, so breakfast should preferably be served between the hours of 5 and 6... or there will be hell to pay. So up we got, rolled outta bed, fixed coffee and his royal pain in the ass some food. It's 9:00 and he's now nowhere to be found. Probably sound asleep. And people wonder why my nickname for him is "My Little Booger". Because, people... cute as he is... he's still a SNOT.

In a little while, Vincent will be the captain of this ship and we will be making our LONG way to South Carolina. We will be staying at Colleton State Park in Canadys, South Carolina. It's situated upon the Edisto River (a black water or tannic river). It's part of the kayak and canoe trail of SC. We'll be there for 2 days. Not sure if we'll have Wi-Fi there or not... but we should when we are in Wilson, NC... or Abbingdon, MD. Untill then, enjoy the slideshow of this stop.

By the way... I forgot the camera for the Universal excursion... what a dolt. I had my nephew take a picture for us... and I'll post it later. Until then... this is Cheri "road trip" Dennen, signing off!

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The Dennen Family

My photo
North Port, Florida, United States
We are Vince, Cheri, Linus-Rudolph (or Rudy for short) and Misty (Rudy’s brother) We love traveling across the USA and meeting all kinds of great people, seeing new places, having grand adventures, and creating fond memories in our class A motorhome!

Vincent & Cheri

Vincent & Cheri